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The music of the Jungle Gym Jam is available to stream in Apple Music and Spotify right on this page. You can also stream at Amazon Music, Google Play, Microsoft Xbox or wherever you and your family stream your music!

Pandagarten (Single)

The Jungle Gym Jam’s latest single, released in summer 2017. A synth pop confection featuring kids’ voices in the chorus. Based on a true story of how giant panda cubs in China are trained to live in the wild by going to panda kindergarten!

Lollipop Motel (album)

This 2016 album is a love letter to the Jersey Shore, fueled by the energy of the Jersey Shore sound: hear the inspiration from Bruce Springsteen and Southside Johnny all over these tracks.

Everyone’s Invited! (album)

The Jungle Gym Jam’s award-winning debut album that ranges from punk rock to jamband, from folk to reggae, all while encouraging inclusiveness, active play and love of learning.